Jerry K. Reed is a soloartist from Hamburg, who stands for a reduced but soulfull blend of blues & jazz, while telling his stories about life. Some of them are not easy to listen to, but there is always a glimpse of hope and most of his tales are driven by a tounge in cheek sense of humor. He released his first EP „Facets“ in 2018, his first full length LP „Vol. I“ in 2020, and the next album is already in progress.
While constantly working on new songs, he is always eager to play as much live as possible, for which it doesn’t matter if it’s in a gloomy, smoke saturated bar or a living room in front of a few listeners.
„I was born in the shadows, outside the doors.“ – Jerry K. Reed
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29.10.21 | Hamburg Cascades
Ferdinandstr. 12 20095 Hamburg
Informationen | Buchen
04.12.21 | Hamburg Harburg Stellwerk
Hannoversche Straße 85 21079 Hamburg
Informationen | Buchen

Jerry K. Reed Vol. I
through the deepest abysses of the thoughts and feelings from the man
behind Jerry K. Reed. The lyrics and moods paint a sometimes dark
picture, but also that there is always a silver lining at the horizon. Framed
by four instrumentals, the other ten songs represent the individual style of
Jerry K. Reed. It is based on blues, jazz and soul, but always with the idea
of reduction to the necessary in mind. Recorded in the K-Klangstudio, the
production by Ritchy Fondermann underlines perfectly the reduced
approach, while still sounding warm and full.
‚Vol. I‘ is not an easy album to listen to, but it will surely reward the one
who takes the time and peace to appreciate it.
The Production is funded by the Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde
für Kultur und Medien.